Adf File Format. The adf file you have downloaded is actually a raster grid file this can be directly brought into ArcMap If you would like to take this file further you are able to simply right click on it and export it to any format needed I am including some documentation on this file type this should assist you further Gracias Alex!.

Autolead Data Format ( ADF) is an open XML based standard specifically for communicating consumer purchase requests to automotive dealerships Thirteen leading automotiverelated Internet companies developed the ADF standard and now many vendors of Customer Retention Management systems serving the automotive industry support ADF.
Supported file formats by copy
PDF fileThere are five key categories of information in version 10 of the Autolead Data Format (ADF) Lead (prospect) information Vehicle information Customer (buyer) information Vendor (dealer) information Service provider information Each lead in the ADF file is divided accordingly into four blocks representing each of these categories.
Autolead Data Format Wikipedia
Using SelfHosted Integration RuntimeDataset PropertiesCopy Activity PropertiesMapping Data Flow PropertiesData Type SupportNext StepsFor copy running on Selfhosted IR with Parquet file serialization/deserialization the service locates the Java runtime by firstly checking the registry (SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\{Current Version}\JavaHome) for JRE if not found secondly checking system variable JAVA_HOMEfor OpenJDK 1 To use JRE The 64bit IR requires 64bit JRE You can fin.
ADF File Extension What is an .adf file and how do I
An ADF file is a database file created by ACT! a customer relationship management (CRM) application It contains customer contact data such as names email addresses business information and the relationship history ADF files are used for customer relations information in a structured format More Information.
What S New In Azure Data Factory Version 2 Adfv2 Paul S Frog Blog Technical Blog And Sql Server Community Sharing
Five Steps to Open ADF Files File Magic
Arc View TIN .adf file format — Global Mapper Forum
open an ADF What is file? it? How to ADF File Extension
What is ADF? ADF Image File Format Description CoolUtils
Dem file in .adf format, while .tiff is needed
Azure Data Factory rename files with copy Medium
Supporting multiple data lake file formats with Azure Data
ADF View Free download and software reviews CNET Download
ADF ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format
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ADF ACT! Data File
Amiga Games: Downloads Downloads of ADF, WHDLoad, CD32
… Azure Data Factory Parquet format
Downloads of ADF WHDLoad CD32 & IPFfiles The goal of the CAPS Distribution Initiative (CAPSDI) is to collect and distribute to the community all the disk images released by the CAPS project team Features downloads of all Team17 games in ADF or IPF format Some CD32 ISOs are available as well.