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nama “maghribi” ini merupakan kependekan daripada nama penuhnya dalam bahasa arab iaitu almamlakah almaġribiyyah المملكة المغربية yang bermaksud “kerajaan barat ” perkataan “barat” yang merupakan asas nama ini iaitu gharb غرب sama akar dengan perkataan ghurūb غروب yang bermaksud ” matahari terbenam ” (bandingkan dengan perkataan ” maghrib.
Spain's top diplomat calls Morocco’s criticism of pandemic
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Morocco is a breathtaking North African nation perched on the northwesternmost edge of Africa With its shimmering coastline velvety sand dunes and yearround sun Morocco is an attractive tourist destination Qalam wa Lawh is in Rabat Morocco‘s capital a bustling mediumsized city with so much to offer As a coastal city a major draw to students tourists and locals alike is.
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Over the last 24 hours Morocco reported just 186 new cases according to the World Health Organization Spain on the other hand has counted nearly 180000 cases over.