Coir Fiber Logs. 7 rowsThe erosion control coir log is a natural fiber product designed to provide soil stabilization Diameter 12″ (30 cm) 16″ (40 cm) 20″ (50 cm) 20″ (50 cm) Weight 55 lbs/ft (82 k 95 lbs/ft (141 kg/m) 15 lbs/ft (223 k15 lbs/ft (223 Density 7 lbs/ft³ (112 k7 lbs/ft³ (112 kg/m³) or7 lbs/ft³ (112 kg7 lbs/ft³ (112 k Lengths 10 ft (305 m) 10 ft (305 m) 10 ft (305 m).

Coir Logs Coir Green Waterlogs – Biologs – Coirlogs are made out of cylinder/round shape netting packed with Coir fiber Each log comprises of coir netting/matting packed with coir coconut fiber ranging from 7 – 9kg per linear meter The diameter of the log varies as per requirement usually come as 20cm 3040cm and 50cm diameter with.
Erosion Control Wattles & Logs at
The EC Coir Log or called Wattle is made from coir fiber and bound by coir twinethat has a high tensile strength and an installed functional longevity of twoyears Coir wattles are made with 100% natural organic fiber and are free ofsynthetic netting or chemical additives.
Coir Mats and Logs Terrafix Geosynthetics Inc.
KoirLogs are natural coconut fiber logs with applications in wetland mitigation shoreline stabilization and stream bank/channel protection Nedia’s KoirLogs are made from double cleaned unsorted coconut fiber encased in high tensile strength coir twine netting KoirLogs help to dissipate the impact from wave action and flowing water trap sediments and encourage.
Coir Logs & Bales for Sale Online Australia Aussie
The EC Coir log is made from coir fiber and bound by coir twine that has a high tensile strength and an installed functional longevity of two to five years Coir logs are made with 100% natural organic fiber and are free of synthetic netting or chemical additives Coir logs absorb 150200% water by weight without experiencing physical property alterations and are ideal for water.
Coconut Fiber Logs Midwest Asp Enterprises
Coconut Coir Fiber Erosion Control Logs Fibredust
General Installation Instructions for Coir Logs in Toe
Easy Installation Coir Fiber Logs Save Money on Labor Costs!
Find HighGrade coir fiber logs For Lumber and Sawing
Coconut Fiber Logs KoirLog Shoreline Stabilization
Coir Logs Ontario Geosynthetic Systems, Ottawa
Great Prices Logs, Wattles, Mats Coconut Coir Fiber
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Soil bioengineering denselypacked coir logs BioDRoll,
Price Coir Logs Specs Erosion Control Soil Stabilization
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