Distal Femoral Traction. The authors describe the use of distal femoral fine wire skeletal traction as a technique to maintain reduction while allowing intramedullary nailing of femur fractures This technique is safe is.

PDF filedistal femoral traction are common practice in the acute stabilization of femur fractures 11 and the need to perform a MRI on a patient with a traction pin in place in the acute.
A Cadaveric Simulation of Distal Femoral Traction Shows
Intervention Patients with femoral shaft fractures were placed into distal femoral skeletal traction or a longleg splint based on an attendingspecific protocol Patients with pelvic or acetabular fractures with instability or intraarticular bone fragments were placed into skeletal traction.
Keeping the Traction on in Orthopaedics ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Distal femur traction Goal is 12 fingerbreadths proximal from the superior patella pole I usually use 1 fingerbreadth for adults Too proximal is bad because it is close to Hunter’s canal and close to the neurovascular bundle Also the traction bow won’t fit around the knee.
Distal Femur (Thighbone) Fractures of the Knee OrthoInfo
Nonsurgical treatment options for distal femur fractures include Skeletal traction Skeletal traction is a pulley system of weights and counterweights that holds the broken pieces of bone together A pin is placed in a bone to position the leg Casting and bracing Casts and braces hold the bones in place while they heal.
Pdf Intraoperative Distal Femoral Fine Wire Traction To Facilitate Intramedullary Nailing Of The Femur
Traction TeachMe Orthopedics
Skeletal Traction Pin Insertion Sites Epomedicine
Are distal femoral traction pins intraarticular? A
How To Apply Manuals Splint MSD a Femoral Traction
Femur Fractures and Traction Splints EMS WebInfo
Femoral Skeletal Traction Musculoskeletal Key
in the femur YouTube Applying skeletal traction
Intraoperative Distal Femoral Fine Wire Traction to
Traction Pins : Femoral and Tibial Wheeless’ Textbook of
Traction for Extraarticular fracture, simple AO Foundation
Distal femoral fine wire traction assisted retrograde
Femoral traction is accomplished with placement of a pin across the distal femur and attachment to a pulley system secured to the bed Indications for use 1 Acetabular fractures 2 Proximal femur fractures Precautions 1 Do not set up femoral traction until confirming that no skeletal injury is present about the knee a.