Elatus Era. ELATUS ERA contains benzovindiflupyr and prothioconazole for the control of a range of fungal diseases in winter and spring wheat winter and spring barley oats rye and triticale combining peas field beans linseed/flax ELATUS ERA Tank Mix List (3319 KB) ELATUS ERA Safety Data Sheet (308 KB) ELATUS ERA Product Label (22932 KB) Related news.
Elatus Era 5l Grzybobojczy Ochrona Zboz 9332035944 Oficjalne Archiwum Allegro from Allegro
PDF fileElatus Era Revystar XE 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%) Percentage of full label rate Comet Proline275 Imtrex Ignite Use Imtrex only in mixture with at least one fungicide with an alternative mode of action that has efficacy against the target disease Brown rust 2020 (1 trial mean of leaf layers 12) Sprayed at GS39 (flag leaf) on 20/5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0% 25% 50% 75%.
Elatus Fungicide Product & Label Information Syngenta …
Sredstvo ELATUS ERA vsebuje aktivni snovi benzovindiflupir ki pripada skupini SDHI fungicidov (inhibitorji sukcinat dehidrogenaze) in aktivno snov protiokonazol ki pripada skupini DMI fungicidov (inhibitorji sterol biosinteze)Tveganje za razvoj rezistence (odpornosti) na SDHI fungicide je nizko do srednje na DMI fungicide je srednje in za bolezni v žitih srednje do visoko.
Elatus Era Testimonial on Vimeo
ELATUS ERA contains benzovindiflupyr and prothioconazole for the control of a range of fungal diseases in winter and spring wheat winter and spring barley rye and triticale ELATUS ERA Product Label (12487 KB) ELATUS ERA Tank Mix List (9038 KB) ELATUS ERA Safety Data Sheet (31284 KB).
Elatus Era Fungicid Syngenta
ELATUS ® Era sudėtyje yra SOLATENOL™ veikliosios medžiagos kuri puikiai prasiskverbia per lapų vaškinį sluoksnį pasižymi ilgalaikiu veikimu patikimai saugo nuo septoriozės ir rūdžių didina augalo derlingumą ELATUS ® Era formuliacija padeda lašui pasklisti ant lapo purškimo metu Platus veikimo spektras ELATUS ® Era būdingas neįprastai didelis veiksmingumas prieš.
Elatus Era 5l Grzybobojczy Ochrona Zboz 9332035944 Oficjalne Archiwum Allegro
ELATUS™ ERA Syngenta
Elatus Era Fungicid Syngenta
SeedQuest Central information website for the global
ELATUS ERA Fungicide Syngenta
Elatus® Fungicide Syngenta CA
Elatus Era Syngenta Kasvitautien torjuntaaine
Elatus Era Syngenta
ELATUS Era Syngenta Slovenija
Elatus Era Fungicīds Syngenta
Elatus Era Fungicid Syngenta
ELATUS Era Syngenta Slovenija
Syngenta ELATUS A Fungicide
Elatus Era Syngenta
Fungicide performance update for wheat, barley and oilseed
ELATUS ERA este compatibil cu numeroase produse de protecţia plantelor Înainte de utilizare se vor consulta tabelele cu compatibilităţi şi efectuaţi un test pe cultura respectivă Pregatirea soluției Se adaugă în rezervor jumătate din cantitatea de apă necesară se porneşte sistemul de agitare şi se adaugă cantitatea măsurată de ELATUS ERA Se completează cu.