Flux B. PDF file(b) The current is now increasing with time which produces a magnetic flux that also increases with time Figure 23–18 The back emf of an inductor The effect of an increasing current in a coil is an induced emf that opposes the increase This is indicated schematically by replacing the coil with the opposing or “back” emf.

OverviewDescriptionMagnetic flux through a closed surfaceMagnetic flux through an open surfaceChanging magnetic fluxComparison with electric fluxSee alsoExternal articlesIn physics specifically electromagnetism the magnetic flux through a surface is the surface integral of the normal component of the magnetic field B over that surface It is usually denoted Φ or ΦB The SI unit of magnetic flux is the weber (Wb in derived units volt–seconds) and the CGS unit is the maxwell Magnetic flux is usually measured with a fluxmeter which contains measuring coils and Text under.
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Magnetic Flux Density (B) Magnetic Flux density is the measure of the number of magnetic lines of force per unit of crosssectional area The general symbol for magnetic flux density is B and the unit is the weber per square meter (Wb/m2) One weber per square meter is called a tesla (T).
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The magnetic flux density denoted by the symbol B is a vector quantity The CGS unit of magnetic flux density is Gauss which is abbreviated as G or Gs The formula for calculating the magnetic flux density is as follows B = F/I L Where F = total force acting on the wire I = current flowing through the wire L = length of the wire.
Magnetic Flux Density (B) Definition Formula Example
Flux per unit of crosssectional area is called flux density Magnetic Flux Density Formula Its letter symbol is B The relationship between total flux and flux density is given by the following equation B = φ A B = φ A Where B=flux density in Tesla φ=total magnetic flux in weber A= Crosssectional area in square meter Magnetic Flux Density Unit.
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Chapter 23 Magnetic Flux and Faraday’s Law of Induction
Definition and Formula Magnetic Flux Density
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Chapter 10 Faraday’s Law of Induction
Magnetic Flux Formula, SI Unit & CGS Unit
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What is Electric Flux? Definition, Formula, Unit, Symbol
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