Iman Pambagyo. Hal tersebut Dirjen Perundingan Perdagangan Internasional Kemendag RI Iman Pambagyo dalam Webinar “Pemanfaatan Kerja sama Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) untuk Mendukung Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Nasional yang Berkualitas” Senin (30/11/2020) “Tidak ada preseden sebelumnya di dunia bahwa sekian negara mencoba.
President S Achievements In Wto Apec Meetings National The Jakarta Post from The Jakarta Post
HIS EXCELLENCY MR IMAN PAMBAGYO OF INDONESIA Chair of the 126th Special Session of the International Coffee Council CV What was the Seminar about? This was an interactive Seminar including a combination of presentations and vibrant Q&As with the audience The Seminar involved a diverse range of speakers from worldclass experts to toprepresentatives.
ASEAN kicksoff RCEP webinar series ASEAN
Iman Pambagyo the directorgeneral of international trade negotiations at the Trade Ministry said that the ministry expects the ratification process to need 90 days from when the government submits the trade pact to the House “We still need to go through the House to [ratify the pact into] law and issue government regulations afterward” Iman said Iman also chaired.
Cerita Indonesia Pimpin Negosiasi Alot Demi Lahirnya RCEP
The Winner Pak Iman Pambagyo Indonesian Ministry of Trade Shepherding the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations Pak Iman has been a trade negotiator from Indonesia managing multiple important talks over the past decade For this award however the key aspect has been his tireless shepherding of the Regional Comprehensive Economic.
RCEP to send strong signal on ASEAN's commitment in
Iman Pambagyo Kemendag Berita Terkait Kabinet Jokowi Maruf Kabinet Jokowi Makin Gemuk Angkat 2 Jabatan Baru Wakil Menteri.
President S Achievements In Wto Apec Meetings National The Jakarta Post
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Iman Pambagyo is the Director of ASEAN Cooperation in the Ministry of Trade Indonesia.