Jawaban Have You Eaten. Have 16 Go 17 Play 18 Go 19 Does not 20 Tolerate 21 Take 22 Do 23 Have 24 Watch 25 Study 26 Sleep 27 Sleep 28 Are 29 Is 30 Is 31 Are 32 Do not 33 Do not 34 Bring 35 Does not 36 Watches 37 Love Demikian artikel latihan soal present tense beserta jawabannya Semoga bermanfaat Terimakasih sudah menyempatkan waktu untuk.

You will have been sleeping long (Kamu akan telah tidur lama) future perfect continuous tense 6 She was fired yesterday (Dia dipecat kemarin) 7 Your room has been cleaned (Ruanganmu sudah dibersihkan) Do (do does did) Auxiliary verb “do” dapat digunakan untuk memberikan penekanan pada kalimat pernyataan maupun perintah Contoh Kalimat Auxiliary Verb “do” 1 I.
100 Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda dan
[ You will be told later by John ] 7) By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal [ By this time tomorrow the deal will have been signed ] 8) Somebody should do the work [ The work should be done ] 9) The traffic might have delayed Jimmy [ Jimmy might have been delayed by the traffic ] 10) People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
A Thousand Questions With Paimon (Paimon Quiz) All
Eaten 7 Q How do you go to school? A We ___ the bus to school a Rode b Ridden c Ride d Riding 8 Q When do you do your homework? A a I have did my homework at 6 PM b I did my homework at 6 PM c I do my homework at 6 PM d I am doing my homework at 6 PM 9 Q Do you enjoy playing in the park? A a No I doesn’t enjoy playing in the park b.
55 Contoh Soal Explanation Text dan Jawabannya English Admin
[ You will be told later by John ] 7) By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal [ By this time tomorrow the deal will have been signed ] 8) Somebody should do the work [ The work should be done ] 9) The traffic might have delayed Jimmy [ Jimmy might have been delayed by the traffic ] 10) People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
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Jawaban dan Passive Voice – Contoh Soal Beserta
Potato Nutrition Facts Nutrients, Calories, Benefits of
[Update] 170 Contoh Soal Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban dan
Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya – English
40 Contoh Soal TENSES Pilihan Ganda dan Muttaqin id
Auxiliary Verb: Pengertian, Penggunaan, Contoh Kalimat
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris 10B K scsac sacsac
Latihan Soal Bahasa Tense EF Blog Inggris: Simple Present
a eaten b beaten c fasten d taken Jawaban a Jawaban yang benar adalah eaten 8 The correct answer is a seat b beat c meat d cheat Jawaban c Jawaban yang benar adalah meat 9 The correct answer is a Flour b Spur c Blur d flavor Jawaban d Jawaban yang benar adalah flavor 10 The correct answer is a lives b cafes c lies d flies Jawaban .