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Curriculum Undergraduate Psychology Fakultas Psikologi UBAYA
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Translate the description back to Indonesian Aplikasi penunjang proses belajar mengajar bagi Dosen dan Mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) Application to support the teaching and learning process for Lecturers and Students of.
Your Career Starts Here Fakultas Psikologi UBAYA
Your Career Starts Here The Faculty of Psychology UBAYA was established on September 2 1982 The opening of the acceptance of the first batch of 1982 students was held at the Women’s Building Kalibokor Street Surabaya It was implemented by the first faculty of psychology leader consisting of Dr Hari K Lasmono as Dean and Vice Dean II.
Pdf Antioxidant Activity Screening Of Seven Indonesian Herbal Extract
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The above UPUBAYA’s ELOs are manifested into below curriculum structure CURRICULUM STRUCTURE OF UP UBAYA The total credit a student should complete is 144 credits accomplished in 8 semesters (4 years) Semester I (Total credit 20) 561101 (3 credits) Science and Logic Philosophy 541101 (2 credits) Academic English.