Pt Equipindo Perkasa. PT EQUIPINDO PERKASA (the “Company”) The Company current operating status is Live The address of this company registered office is 220 VERDE VIEW VILLA VERDE SINGAPORE 688767 The company has 1 officers / owners / shareholders The company principal activity is WHOLESALE OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT (EG CONCRETE MIXER).
Pt Equipindo Perkasa Chicago Pneumatic from PT EQUIPINDO PERKASA | Chicago Pneumatic
PT Equipindo Perkasa is the company that’s run major activity in selling heavy machinery There are Sakai Road Construction Equipment Mitsubishi Motor Grader Hanta Asphalt Finisher and Road Surface Planner As a branded name in the world for heavy equipment those kind of above products will be continuously improve the quality which have.
EquipindoPerkasaEquipindo Group are creating another company called PT Sacon Indonesia in 2006 as the Spare Parts supplier of the Product that are being sold to the customerby PT Equipindo Perkasa But after a few year of being PT Equipindo Perkasa Spare parts Suppliers in 2008 PT Sacon Indonesia finally got the first distributorship agreement with Tacom Light constructions equipment.
PT. EQUIPINDO PERKASA Company Information
2006 PT Sacon Indonesia as The Second Company of Equipindo Group is Establised for the purpose of selling the Spare Parts of the Heavy Equipment product that PT Equipindo Perkasa has Sold PT Equipindo Perkasa Is Establishing Banjarmasin Branch 2007 Another Branch of PT Equipindo Perkasa is established in Balikpapan.
Pt Equipindo Perkasa Chicago Pneumatic
Equipindo Group Your Partner To Be Success
Equipindo Group Your Partner To Be Success
Equipindo Group Be Success Your Partner To
PT Equipindo Perkasa is the company that’s run major activity in selling heavy machinery There are Sakai Road Construction Equipment Mitsubishi Motor GraderHanta Asphalt Finisher and Road Surface Planner As a branded name in the world for heavy equipment those kind of above products will be continuously improve the quality which have been famous for its strength and reliability.