Pt Fath Jaya Lestari. PT Fath Jaya Lestari | 66 pengikut di LinkedIn PT Fath Jaya Lestari is a specialist seamlessly integrated professional HVAC contractor with its core expertise in design and build supply install maintenance of HVAC product and system located in Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur supported by Daikin Carrier and many other good Brand of HVAC Location Jalan Pialing Balikpapan Selatan EAST KALIMANTANEmployees 15.
الوظائف في شركة Pt Fath Jaya Lestari والملفات الشخصية للموظفين الحاليين العثور على ترشيحات Linkedin from Fath Jaya Lestari والملفات …
PROFIL PERUSAHAAN PT Fath Jaya Lestari Jl Pialing 2 Blok K1 No 35 Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang tata udara dan dipercaya oleh CARRIER dan DAIKIN untuk menjadi Authorized Dealer Kalimantan Timur Mission Tujuan kami tidak hanya untuk melayani konsumen dengan memberikan jaminan kepuasan baik kenyamanan tekhnikal tetapi Location Jl Pialing 2 Blok K1 No 35.
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PT. FATH JAYA LESTARI Kota Balikpapan Info Lengkap
PT Fath Jaya Lestari is a specialist seamlessly integrated professional HVAC contractor with its core expertise in design and build supply install maintenance of HVAC product and system located i.
PT. Fath Jaya Lestari Email Formats & Employee Phones
PT Fath Jaya Lestari Hardware Store in Balikpapan 5 5 out of 5 stars Opens in 55 minutes Community See All 355 people like this 359 people follow this 20 checkins About See All Jalan Pialing II Bl K1/35 (968235 mi) Balikpapan East Kaliman Phone (0542) 871400Followers 359.
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A PT Fath Jaya Lestari is located at Jl Pialing II kelurahan No35 Gn Bahagia Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan Kota Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur 76114 Indonesia Q What are the coordinates of the PT Fath Jaya Lestari? 2/5 Phone (0542) 871400.