Tankmate Ikan Oscar. Halo sahabat amis jangan lupa ikuti saya di instagam untuk mengetahui tentang dunia air dan ikan predator Https//instagramcom/meizaherdianda__ Https//ins.
Oscar Tank Mates Ultimate Guide Coolfish Network from coolfish.network
hai kawan kawan semoga kalian baik baik saja ya terima kasih sudah mampir di chanel saya semoga kawan kawan semua terhibur ya dengan konten yang saya bagi Video Duration 15 minViews 342Author KURNIADI.
Feeding ikan predator peacockbass tankmate oscar YouTube
Ikan baru masuk akuarium loh ikanoscar akan jadi tank mate baru untuk palmas dan bawal (silver dollar) Yuk tonton sampai habis.
IkanOscar merupakan jenis ikan predator yang agresif untuk dicampur semua jenis ikan seakuarium dengannya Atau setidaknya sangat sulit memelihara ikan lain.
Tankmate Oscar 7 Jenis Ikan Predator yang bisa digabung
Tankmate Terbaik IkanOscar 1 Jaguar Cichlid Gunther pertama kali mendeskripsikan keberadaan ikan jaguar cichlid (Parachromis managuensis) pada tahun 1867 Jaguar cichlid hidup di Sungai Ulua di Honduras dan Sungai Matina di Kosta Rika Jaguar cichlid m.
Oscar Tank Mates Ultimate Guide Coolfish Network
11 Jenis Ikan yang Bisa Dicampur Ikan Oscar (Tankmate Oscar
update tank mate ikan oscar kurniadi tank mate YouTube
15 Best Oscar Fish Tank Mates Full List of Compatible Fish
Oscar, New Tank Mate!! YouTube
Convict Cichlid The convict cichlid would make a good choice for a tank mate for the Oscar fish Firstly they are very beautiful they are also called zebra cichlid due to the patterns of colors that extend over their bodies Jewel Cichlid The jewel cichlid originates from Africa – the muddy rivers in central Africa There are more subspecies of the jewel cichlids – blue jewel green jewel jewelfish and more Jack Dempsey The Jack Dempsey fish is not an easy fish to keep in your tank That is because they can get aggressive towards other fish and they might get territorial too Green Terror Cichlid The green terror cichlid is another aggressive fish on this list While it is not aggressive in community tanks it can be aggressive towards stray fish in your tank.