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ABSTRACT Nowadays the phenomenon of bullying has led to the emergence of a new trend known as cyberbullying Cyberbullying is an act of insulting humiliating intimidating and threatening someone by using electronic information or electronic documents.
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Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bung Karno (FH UBK) telah berdiri sejak awal berdirinya Universitas Bung Karno pada masa reformasi tahun 1999 Fakultas Hukum UBK hadir guna mendukung wujud Negara Hukum Republik Indonesia sebagaimana diatur dalam UUD 1945FH UBK hanya memiliki 1 Program Studi yaitu Ilmu Hukum sehingga semua lulusannya bergelar Sarjana Hukum (SH).
UBK Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bung Karno
Abstract Abstract The existence of language in law is very interesting to study The use of language in the field of law both conceptually and in legal practice must be understood and understood more deeply The language used through words sentences and texts always gives dynamic and flexible meanings to law not limited to literal or.
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