Yuan Wira. matt jenyuan chiang weifeng wayne huang mark lee yining karl li joseph w longson mark a mclaughlin joe schutte daniel teece noel villegas matthew williams studio tools [] dale beck paul hildebrandt christopher d mihaly roy turner william wira managers laura franek michael d kliewer collin larkins bettina martin coordinator hunter gibson research [] rasmus tamstorf joseph.

It was during this period that contacts with Yuan Dynasty China were established It was recorded that in 1320 The new king sent an envoy to Singapura demanding the submission of the tiny kingdom Wikrama Wira refused to do so and even sent a symbolic message threatening to shave the Majapahit king’s head should he proceed to Singapura The furious Majapahit king ordered.
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Disclaimer 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations Please refer to the current fleet list to see each aircraft’s individual age 2 Future records only include newbuilt aircraft close to delivery and expected secondhand deliveries.